Beta Features!

We run new functionality in an open beta format from time to time. That means that this functionality is totally available for use, and we think it might be ready for primetime, but it could break or change without notice.

Use these features at your own risk.

List Widget: Variable Types

Before this feature, the list widget allowed a set of fields to be repeated, but every list item had the same set of fields available. With variable types, multiple named sets of fields can be defined, which opens the door to highly flexible content authoring (even page building) in Decap CMS.

Note: this feature does not yet support default previews and requires registering a preview template in order to show up in the preview pane.

To use variable types in the list widget, update your field configuration as follows:

  1. Instead of defining your list fields under fields or field, define them under types. Similar to fields, types must be an array of field definition objects.
  2. Each field definition under types must use the object widget (this is the default value for widget).

Additional list widget options

  • types: a nested list of object widgets. All widgets must be of type object. Every object widget may define different set of fields.
  • typeKey: the name of the field that will be added to every item in list representing the name of the object widget that item belongs to. Ignored if types is not defined. Default is type.
  • summary: allows customization of a collapsed list item object in a similar way to a collection summary

Example Configuration

The example configuration below imagines a scenario where the editor can add two "types" of content, either a "carousel" or a "spotlight". Each type has a unique name and set of fields.

- label: 'Home Section'
  name: 'sections'
  widget: 'list'
    - label: 'Carousel'
      name: 'carousel'
      widget: object
      summary: '{{fields.header}}'
        - { label: Header, name: header, widget: string, default: 'Image Gallery' }
        - { label: Template, name: template, widget: string, default: 'carousel.html' }
        - label: Images
          name: images
          widget: list
          field: { label: Image, name: image, widget: image }
    - label: 'Spotlight'
      name: 'spotlight'
      widget: object
        - { label: Header, name: header, widget: string, default: 'Spotlight' }
        - { label: Template, name: template, widget: string, default: 'spotlight.html' }
        - { label: Text, name: text, widget: text, default: 'Hello World' }

Example Output

The output for the list widget will be an array of objects, and each object will have a type key with the name of the type used for the list item. The type key name can be customized via the typeKey property in the list configuration.

If the above example configuration were used to create a carousel, a spotlight, and another carousel, the output could look like this:

title: Home
  - type: carousel
    header: Image Gallery
    template: carousel.html
      - images/image01.png
      - images/image02.png
      - images/image03.png
  - type: spotlight
    header: Spotlight
    template: spotlight.html
    text: Hello World
  - type: carousel
    header: Image Gallery
    template: carousel.html
      - images/image04.png
      - images/image05.png
      - images/image06.png

Custom Mount Element

Decap CMS always creates its own DOM element for mounting the application, which means it always takes over the entire page, and is generally inflexible if you're trying to do something creative, like injecting it into a shared context.

You can now provide your own element for Decap CMS to mount in by setting the target element's ID as nc-root. If Decap CMS finds an element with this ID during initialization, it will mount within that element instead of creating its own.

Image widget file size limit

You can set a limit to as what the maximum file size of a file is that users can upload directly into a image field.

Example config:

- label: 'Featured Image'
  name: 'thumbnail'
  widget: 'image'
  default: '/uploads/chocolate-dogecoin.jpg'
      max_file_size: 512000 # in bytes, only for default media library

Summary string template transformations

You can apply transformations on fields in a summary string template using filter notation syntax.

Example config:

  - name: 'posts'
    label: 'Posts'
    folder: '_posts'
    summary: "{{title | upper}} - {{date | date('YYYY-MM-DD')}} – {{body | truncate(20, '***')}}"
      - { label: 'Title', name: 'title', widget: 'string' }
      - { label: 'Publish Date', name: 'date', widget: 'datetime' }
      - { label: 'Body', name: 'body', widget: 'markdown' }

The above config will transform the title field to uppercase and format the date field using YYYY-MM-DD format. Available transformations are upper, lower, date('<format>'), default('defaultValue'), ternary('valueForTrue','valueForFalse') and truncate(<number>)/truncate(<number>, '<string>')

Remark plugins

You can register plugins to customize remark, the library used by the richtext editor for serializing and deserializing markdown.

// register a plugin

// provide global settings to all plugins, e.g. for customizing `remark-stringify`
CMS.registerRemarkPlugin({ settings: { bullet: '-' } });

Note that netlify-widget-markdown currently uses remark@10, so you should check a plugin's compatibility first.


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